Thursday 15 November 2012


Last week I was having one of my grey days and felt like a little lift, so I booked a hair appointment to have a few blonde highlights in the front of my hair, thinking that this would give my face a little brightness it so needed.

In the salon everything progressed as normal, or so I thought but when I went to leave I noticed that my hair had changed colour completely and that I was not sporting sun kissed streaks at the front of my hair but an all-over, dreary, mousy brown colour!

I tried not to panic, remembering the motto... keep calm and carry on!  so I leisurely asked (in German of course) what had happened? but to my horror she said "this is your usual colour!"  Ok, so the light in here must be playing tricks on my hair, I must go home quickly and check it out in my own mirror, you know the one that never lies!

Well the truth arrived in the form of my own husband, who is never normally noticing anything, except maybe if I walked around naked.... He noticed my new darker hair!  In a way this was a relief, I was not imagining things, loosing my sight or going mad but then I knew it was a fact!

Waking up the next morning and seeing a different me was quite a shock, my skin looked different, my clothes looked different and I looked older!  This was not the change I needed right now.
So I returned to the salon, speech nervously prepared in German, only to be told that I had to wait at least a week and wash it several times before we could possibly add more blonde!!
My balloon deflated instantly with this news but on leaving the salon I decided to try and make the most of the new me.

I tied my hair in a pony tail and it looked awful, I wore it down and it looked awful,  I kept washing it hoping for my old blond sun streaked hair to return, but it didn't, the only joy came in the form of a beige beanie hat!  I could not wear anything in my favorite colour... grey,  as it gave my hair an ash-grey tone, I could not wear my favorite khaki jacket as it gave my hair a greeny-grey hue... I felt altogether strange.

Today a week later I returned to try again a few blonde streaks, only a few at the front of my hair, I waited nervously imagining it all to fall out in front of my eyes,.... but instead two hours later I was transformed into the old me again.  I skipped out of the salon, ditched the beanie, put on my favorite clothes and I once again, looked like me!

I guess being born blonde and then spending the summers in the sunshine,  I had grown used to being a blonde, even though it is darker than it was as a child.  I think of myself as a blonde, I feel happy as a blonde, I have fun as a blonde, I make excuses for being blonde when I forget things, so I have very happily today returned to being a BLONDE IN THE ALPS.....

Maybe it's not true for everyone, but for sure as a blonde,  I really do have more fun!

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