Tuesday 4 December 2012


It's a sure sign of getting old when you are constantly chasing the clock and wondering where the time has gone to..... Remember your school days, when the days seemed endless and all the teachers seemed so old, and yet they were probably only in their 30's/40's.  Now I have made this great age myself I seem to rush around constantly trying to fit so much into so little time.

 My daughter works at the speed of a snail and has no concept of the word RUSH, that's because children live in the now and don't really think too much beyond that.  Every morning is like a military operation trying to get my kids out of the door and to school on time.  No matter how prepared I am, we still have that panic trying to find the missing PE kit, money for a school trip, or worse still the items they need for craft that very day!  I fly around the house like a headless chicken and they do something totally unnecessary, as if they have all the time in the world!

I lay in bed at night making lists of things I must do, I have pink post-it notes stuck all over things reminding me of what I need to remember to do that day, next week, and even next year! I have a diary, and my beloved iphone calendar which is crammed full of must do's.  When I recently dropped my phone on the floor and smashed the screen, I felt for a minute as if my world had fallen apart.  Gone was my calendar, my appointments, the kids schedule, haircut appointments, future dental appointments, parent evenings, shopping sale previews, yoga class, blacksmith appointments for my horse, school holidays, family birthdays, friends phone numbers and email addresses..... How would my life possibly continue without all this information!  The very stuff that weighs our lives down and causes us as mothers/wives to chase the clock!

So once again, here in St Anton the winter ski season opens in 2 days and Christmas is only 20 days away, I sit here and think to myself where did 2012 go to and what did I actually achieve this year, except chasing my tail and trying to be in 20 places at the same time....

New years resolution for 2013..... DON'T COUNT THE MINUTES, MAKE THE MINUTES COUNT!

Maybe it is time for me to stop making lists and start doing some of the following.......